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Mighty marvels of minuscule flaxseeds

At the end of November, I found myself grocery shopping and paused in one of the aisles, surrounded by a colorful array of products. In one of the shelves, nestled among other products, was a pack of flaxseed waiting for someone’s attention. It made me wonder how in a few days, the flex seeds would slowly be skipping their places on the shelves, gradually taking up position among other grains and seeds like rice and pulses. A strange thought came to my mind how flaxseeds sit all the months of summer on the market shelves, their packets accumulating dirt as they near the expiry date. As soon as winter arrives, this seed can be seen gracing our tea tables, being served with chai in form of “alsi ki pinniyan”.

If you are someone like me, you must be wondering why this delicacy is only consumed during winters? Eating it gives you a warm and cosy feeling can be one reason but there is another logical reason behind it. Flaxseed has immunity boosting effects that can immensely help in keeping the winter colds away. This is just one from amongst flaxseed’s multitude of benefits.

Flaxseeds has long been consumed in the many various ways like powder and oil. All the different forms of flaxseed are as common and beneficial as flaxseed itself.

Benefits of flaxseed

What makes flaxseed unique is its composition, Flaxseeds contain 29% carbohydrates, with an impressive 95% of that being fibre. Apart from this, it is a super-rich source of Omega fatty acids making it a powerhouse of benefits.

Improves heart health

Flaxseed is a powerful ally in the battle against high cholesterol levels and helps keep the heart healthy and strong. Rich in soluble fibre and omega-3 fatty acids, flaxseed can help reduce low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol. The soluble fibre binds to cholesterol in the digestive system, preventing its absorption and promoting its excretion. Additionally, the omega-3 fatty acids found in flaxseed can improve overall heart health by reducing inflammation and promoting healthy blood vessel function. Regular consumption of flaxseed has been associated with significant reductions in total cholesterol levels, making it an excellent dietary choice for those looking to support their cardiovascular health and maintain balanced cholesterol levels.

Helps against hypertension

The use of flaxseed for lowering cholesterol is a well-known benefit but what is less known among the masses is how it also helps with hypertension. Considering the size of the seed, one must think that all the benefits of flaxseed are just a tall tale but research has proved otherwise. One study concludes that flaxseed is effective in reducing blood pressure particularly diastolic blood pressure.


After Knowing about all these benefits of flaxseed, it must be unfair to not include it in your diet. Nutrifactor has made it easy by creating a product that solely comprise on soft gels filled with the flaxseed oil. This product is none other than FLAXATIL so that you can splurge on the benefits of flaxseed oil.


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