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Best Multivitamins for the Healthy Growth of Children in Pakistan

According to NNS-2018, the rate of short height for age under 5 years of age in Pakistani children is 43%, alarming! This figure shows only those children who were evaluated in the national nutrition survey of 2018. There are so many children in different areas who don’t get tested for whether they have adequate nutrients in their bodies and reach their proper height or not. Children are the future of a nation and they deserve good nutrition. If they aren’t healthy and well-nourished today, the future won’t be bright tomorrow.

Children need an adequate amount of energy along with essential vitamins and minerals, through food sources or food supplements, for their healthy growth and development. The first 5 years of children are crucial for their growth. In this period, they grow mentally and physically at a faster rate. It is good to give them the best quality multivitamin supplements which help improve their physical & mental growth, and enhance their appetite so that they achieve their full growth potential.

Is It Essential to Give Multivitamins to Children?  

It is always encouraged to give your children the best quality multivitamin supplements during their childhood, in addition to healthy foods. Because most children don’t have good eating habits mostly due to their liking or disliking of certain nutrient-rich foods. Some children who become picky eaters and don’t like to eat enough amount of food or those who are unable to absorb some nutrients due to health problems are encouraged to consume multivitamins for nutritional support. 

Is It Essential to Give Multivitamins to Children

The best multivitamin for children is Bio Grow Gummies which provides an adequate amount of nutrients as well as helps support the healthy growth of children. But most people, especially mothers show concern if multivitamins are safe to consume for their children or not. They also search for different types of questions regarding multivitamins such as;

1. Which is the best multivitamin for a child?

2. At what age can I give my child a multivitamin?

3. Which are the best multivitamins for children's growth

4. Do multivitamins help with growth?

This article will help you to get to answers of these questions regarding multivitamins for children.

1. Which is the Best Multivitamin for the Healthy Growth of Children?

Which is the Best Multivitamin for the Healthy Growth of Children

Nutrifactor’s Bio Grow (Syrup) & Bio Grow Gummies are the best multivitamins for the healthy growth of children. These multivitamins contain vitamins A, D & E (fat-soluble vitamins) as well as B vitamins & vitamin C (water-soluble vitamins) to help provide complete nutritional support to the children and enhance their appetite so that they eat more frequently and ultimately reach their full potential of growth.   

2. At What Age Can I Give My Child A Multivitamin?

When a child reaches two years of age, start giving them multivitamins just like Bio Grow Gummies so that they can get an adequate amount of nutrients that are essential for their healthy growth.

3. Do Multivitamins Help with Growth? Are They Safe to Consume?

Multivitamins for children who are 2-3 years or more than this, are safe to use if they are consumed by following the proper directions. Furthermore, multivitamins help improve the healthy growth of children. They improve the nutrient profile of the children, help increase the nutrient absorption in their bodies, and increase their appetite even if they are picky eaters, hence supporting healthy growth and development.







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